Re: Be careful - they can lift a fingerprint off a digital photo

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Sujet : Re: Be careful - they can lift a fingerprint off a digital photo
De : danmin (at) *nospam* (Danart)
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Date : 24. May 2024, 19:35:12
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 > Mickey D wrote:
 > Be careful - they can lift a fingerprint off a digital photo.
 > Says so here:
 > From teenage cyber-thug to Europe¢s most wanted

There is a
lot to say about this but I am not going to give people any ideas. It
has nothing to do with tech.

Remember the way McAfee was taken down? They looked at the trees.
Anything in that image could have fingered him.

The tiles
The magazines
The print on the bottle.
Reflections of light

When you get finger-printed ( especially if you are guilty previously
) in court ( and via city/state/federal jobs ) they do this 
side thing with your hand as well. They literally are taking a
gigantic image of your finger print. You take a big/clean enough image
and run that against a database for matches. 

The other thing cops came to his door under his fake name, via a fake
domestic abuse call. He played stupid and gave them information and
that information linked them to the same device he was using this fake
account and interacting with victims.


I do photography and noticed my clients other photographers do not
upload big images at all. They only upload small 300X images or even
smaller as if it was 1995 or 1999. You look in Truedi's office at his
BasketBall photos you will have to ask yourself "What person have
a collection of photographs that small".

So when you upload those "HD" images to the internet your
actually uploading gold making it worthless to the viewer.
Thus nobody will purchase your images. Doing illustration as well I
found people liking my work but they want me to upload bigger pictures
for them. I deny this fact and they call me crazy, but I know in
another world like

Eastern Europe

They have so many people making money off the things people upload.
They will even make prints with the watermark on them.

This is a response to the post seen at:

Date Sujet#  Auteur
24 May 24 o Re: Be careful - they can lift a fingerprint off a digital photo1Danart

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