Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given

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Sujet : Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given
De : robin_listas (at) *nospam* es.invalid (Carlos E.R.)
Groupes :
Date : 28. May 2024, 14:54:04
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Message-ID : <co0hikx3he.ln2@Telcontar.valinor>
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On 2024-05-28 13:37, Andrew wrote:
R.Wieser wrote on Tue, 28 May 2024 12:24:05 +0200 :
I'm not sure how the app is working with all those permissions revoked.
Just think of those MEDIA thingies as resources loaded by a webpage.  Block
them, and only the text will be there. Which, for the ebooks I'm reading,
isn't a problem.
 I'm not sure what was happening, but it may be important to note that I
downloaded the epub files from Windows and merely copied them to the
sdcard, where, without asking for permissions, the epub reader found them.
Also I'm not sure why the app doesn't even *ask* me for any permissions.
It probably tries to, but its request gets blocked (your app manager?)
before it reaches the OS (which would than show the permissions dialogs).
 I don't know. There was no request for permissions, and yet, the epub
reader found the EPUB & PDF files on a folder on my external sdcard.
My suggestion is you install Muntashirakon App Manager
I'm first going to see if the Graphene OS already has that covered.  I just
found something about "storage scopes".
Still no idea why it needs that "read phone status and identity" permission
though. Lets hope it will work with it blocked.
Ah...  I just realized it /could/ be to freeze sounds and/or movies inside
an ebook when a call comes in.  Though in that case that permission is *way*
to broad.
 It was odd that no permissions were ever requested, but that's why I would
like others to test it out as maybe it's just the way my Android is set up.
Did you try to make annotations?
If it has dictionary, did you use it?
Cheers, Carlos.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
27 May 24 * ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given34R.Wieser
27 May 24 +* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given3Carlos E.R.
28 May 24 i`* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given2R.Wieser
28 May 24 i `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1Carlos E.R.
27 May 24 +* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given3Theo
28 May 24 i`* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given2R.Wieser
28 May 24 i `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1Theo
27 May 24 +* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given2Andy Burns
28 May 24 i`- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1R.Wieser
28 May 24 +- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1VanguardLH
28 May 24 `* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given24R.Wieser
28 May 24  `* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given23Andrew
28 May 24   +* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given21R.Wieser
28 May 24   i`* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given20Andrew
28 May 24   i +* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given3R.Wieser
28 May 24   i i`* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given2Andrew
28 May 24   i i `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1R.Wieser
28 May 24   i `* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given16Carlos E.R.
28 May 24   i  +* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given14R.Wieser
28 May 24   i  i+* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given11R.Wieser
28 May 24   i  ii+* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given8Andy Burns
28 May 24   i  iii`* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given7Andrew
28 May 24   i  iii `* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given6Andy Burns
28 May 24   i  iii  `* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given5Andrew
28 May 24   i  iii   `* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given4Andy Burns
28 May 24   i  iii    `* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given3Andrew
28 May 24   i  iii     +- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1Andrew
29 May 24   i  iii     `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1Andy Burns
28 May 24   i  ii`* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given2Andrew
28 May 24   i  ii `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1R.Wieser
28 May 24   i  i`* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given2Andrew
28 May 24   i  i `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1R.Wieser
28 May 24   i  `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1Andrew
29 May 24   `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1R.Wieser

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