Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given

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Sujet : Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given
De : address (at) *nospam* is.invalid (R.Wieser)
Groupes :
Date : 29. May 2024, 08:48:15
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v36j4q$11k4o$>
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I'm not sure how the app is working with all those permissions revoked.
Also I'm not sure why the app doesn't even *ask* me for any permissions.

I think I'm starting to understand that behaviour.  While googeling my ass
off in regard to how all of this works I ran across a forum post which
mentioned that the file-browser (used by the ebook app) is running with its
own permissions.  At that time I could not understand it, 'cause why would I
want to be able to select a file which the app which requested the file
could not read it ?  Sounds stupid, right ?

But later on I came across another tidbit of information, which said that a
file selected thru the filebrowser for an app is automatically cleared for
usage by that app - regardless of what permissions the app itself has.

Which does match the experience I had when selecting text and html files
that where not within the "storage scope" I set for the epub reader app.
It also explains your experience of not getting permission related
questions - as the file you selected was already cleared for usage (by the
file picker).

Boy, I really could have used some noobs information explaining that ...

Rudy Wieser

Date Sujet#  Auteur
27 May 24 * ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given34R.Wieser
27 May 24 +* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given3Carlos E.R.
28 May 24 i`* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given2R.Wieser
28 May 24 i `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1Carlos E.R.
27 May 24 +* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given3Theo
28 May 24 i`* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given2R.Wieser
28 May 24 i `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1Theo
27 May 24 +* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given2Andy Burns
28 May 24 i`- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1R.Wieser
28 May 24 +- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1VanguardLH
28 May 24 `* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given24R.Wieser
28 May 24  `* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given23Andrew
28 May 24   +* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given21R.Wieser
28 May 24   i`* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given20Andrew
28 May 24   i +* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given3R.Wieser
28 May 24   i i`* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given2Andrew
28 May 24   i i `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1R.Wieser
28 May 24   i `* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given16Carlos E.R.
28 May 24   i  +* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given14R.Wieser
28 May 24   i  i+* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given11R.Wieser
28 May 24   i  ii+* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given8Andy Burns
28 May 24   i  iii`* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given7Andrew
28 May 24   i  iii `* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given6Andy Burns
28 May 24   i  iii  `* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given5Andrew
28 May 24   i  iii   `* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given4Andy Burns
28 May 24   i  iii    `* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given3Andrew
28 May 24   i  iii     +- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1Andrew
29 May 24   i  iii     `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1Andy Burns
28 May 24   i  ii`* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given2Andrew
28 May 24   i  ii `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1R.Wieser
28 May 24   i  i`* Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given2Andrew
28 May 24   i  i `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1R.Wieser
28 May 24   i  `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1Andrew
29 May 24   `- Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given1R.Wieser

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