Re: Turn your device completely off once a week as per advice from the NSA today

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Sujet : Re: Turn your device completely off once a week as per advice from the NSA today
De : hugybear (at) *nospam* (Jörg Lorenz)
Groupes :
Date : 01. Jun 2024, 08:05:03
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Organisation : Camembert Normand au Lait Cru
Message-ID : <v3edmf$2l6b3$>
References : 1
User-Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/115.11.1
Am 31.05.24 um 23:20 schrieb Larry Wolff:
In a document detailing several mobile device best practices, the NSA
recommends users turn their devices off and then back on once every week to
protect against zero-click exploits, which attackers often use to eavesdrop
on and collect data from phones.
Does this advice hold true for PC's also?
A cellphone is nothing else than a desktop machine or laptop: A computer. If it is correct which I doubt the answer is yes.
The link does not load on my Mac/Firefox. Is this a trustworthy site? Even if I allow Java-script.
"Gutta cavat lapidem." (Ovid)

Date Sujet#  Auteur
1 Jun 24 * Re: Turn your device completely off once a week as per advice from the NSA today2Jörg Lorenz
2 Jun 24 `- Re: Turn your device completely off once a week as per advice from the NSA today1Jörg Lorenz

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