Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?

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Sujet : Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?
De : * (at) *nospam* (Eli the Bearded)
Groupes :
Date : 16. Jun 2024, 09:28:49
Autres entêtes
Organisation : Some absurd concept
Message-ID : <eli$>
References : 1 2 3 4
User-Agent : Vectrex rn 2.1 (beta)
In, R.Wieser <address@is.invalid> wrote:
Any chance I can download them and than offer them to termux?   You see, I
have a deep-rooted wish to backup stuff like that.   System crashes and all

Once downloaded, you can back them up. I use rsync (running in Termux).
The directory tree is all readable inside the app.

General layout:


Install Termux and plugins you want, Termux:API probably at minimum.
Configure your repos,
Thats some sort of Linux inside joke, isn't it ?  "You configure it".  I
have *zero* information on either termux or any of those plugins, but I'm
expected to configure them ?  How ? :-(

As I recall it was just a matter of selecting which of the list I'd
prefer to use. I prefer not to use any of the ones in China and prefer
to try North American ones first. It's faster to pick ones that are not
an ocean away.

So, any chance that you know of any tutorial in regard to termux and its
(program languages) plugins ?  I don't think I will even /try/ to install it
without having anything to go on.

There's a difference there between us. I tried first, then looked for
help with what I wanted. I don't know of a tutorial, but I haven't
looked for one either. There's a mailing list, which I'm on, that gets
very little traffic. There's a wiki with some basic info. There's code
and issue tracking at github.

People also ask and answer questions here. I try to read all the posts
with Termux in the Subject, but this group is pretty far down my .newsrc
so I don't reach it every time I look at Usenet.

wants a pocket computer more than a portable phone

Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 Jun 24 * programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?27R.Wieser
11 Jun 24 +* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?12Kees Nuyt
11 Jun 24 i`* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?11R.Wieser
11 Jun 24 i +* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?3Andy Burns
11 Jun 24 i i+- Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?1Andrew
12 Jun 24 i i`- Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?1R.Wieser
11 Jun 24 i +* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?5Eli the Bearded
12 Jun 24 i i`* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?4R.Wieser
14 Jun 24 i i `* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?3Eli the Bearded
15 Jun 24 i i  `* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?2R.Wieser
16 Jun 24 i i   `- Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?1Eli the Bearded
12 Jun 24 i `* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?2Bob Martin
12 Jun 24 i  `- Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?1R.Wieser
11 Jun 24 +- Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?1Richmond
11 Jun 24 +* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?2Andrew
12 Jun 24 i`- Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?1R.Wieser
12 Jun 24 +* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?4Dave Royal
12 Jun 24 i`* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?3R.Wieser
13 Jun 24 i `* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?2Dave Royal
13 Jun 24 i  `- Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?1R.Wieser
12 Jun 24 +* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?3Arno Welzel
12 Jun 24 i+- Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?1R.Wieser
12 Jun 24 i`- Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?1R.Wieser
12 Jun 24 `* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?4R.Wieser
13 Jun 24  `* Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?3R.Wieser
14 Jun 24   +- Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?1Andrew
15 Jun 24   `- Re: programming/scripting on an Android device - suggestions ?1R.Wieser

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