Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?

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Sujet : Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?
De : andrew (at) *nospam* (Andrew)
Groupes :
Date : 23. Jun 2024, 09:57:09
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Organisation : BWH Usenet Archive (
Message-ID : <v58kgk$1bn0$>
References : 1 2 3
User-Agent : PiaoHong.Usenet.Client.Free:1.65
Jeff Layman wrote on Sun, 23 Jun 2024 08:44:59 +0100 :

Basically, if you use a cellphone, assume someone, somewhere, is
watching and recording.

I think the advice of "if you don't trust Google, don't use them" is bad in
the same way as people tell immigrants who complain about racism "if you
don't like living in the USA, go back to where you came from".

Particularly when I'm simply trying to UNDERSTAND how it works.

So it's like saying, if you want to understand how it works, then don't use
Google", which is a nonsensical statement that holds negative value here.

Having said that....

I am aware of _why_ he said that, which is that another person who shall
remain unnamed, just drove him nuts with all his "worries" about Google.

I wasn't that person.
I'm not "worried" about Google (per se).

I'm just trying to understand how the phone works.

Specifically, for this thread, I suspect NOBODY knows how these three
things can be defined in a way that makes sense to any of us ... yet.

1. GSF (Google Services Framework) <>
2. GMS (Google Mobile Services) <>
3. Google Firebase & Google Services Firebase App Indexing

Note that the definition given for "Firebase" would apply to all three.
That's the problem with generic descriptions.

We are on an Android newsgroup. It's a technical newsgroup.
We should be able to figure out how those three things differ.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
22 Jun20:48 * Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?32Andrew
23 Jun02:58 +* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?30Arno Welzel
23 Jun09:18 i+* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?13Andrew
23 Jun16:41 ii`* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?12Arno Welzel
23 Jun19:41 ii `* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?11Andrew
23 Jun23:19 ii  `* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?10Arno Welzel
24 Jun08:04 ii   `* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?9Andrew
24 Jun09:18 ii    +* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?4Chris
24 Jun10:52 ii    i`* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?3Andrew
24 Jun12:51 ii    i `* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?2Chris
24 Jun19:33 ii    i  `- Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?1Andrew
24 Jun10:10 ii    `* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?4Arno Welzel
24 Jun11:22 ii     `* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?3Andrew
24 Jun11:55 ii      +- Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?1Andrew
27 Jun09:12 ii      `- Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?1Arno Welzel
23 Jun09:44 i`* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?16Jeff Layman
23 Jun09:57 i +* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?13Andrew
23 Jun16:43 i i`* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?12Arno Welzel
23 Jun19:41 i i `* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?11Andrew
23 Jun23:29 i i  `* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?10Arno Welzel
24 Jun08:04 i i   `* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?9Andrew
24 Jun10:14 i i    `* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?8Arno Welzel
24 Jun11:50 i i     `* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?7Andrew
24 Jun12:57 i i      +* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?4Chris
24 Jun19:37 i i      i`* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?3Andrew
27 Jun09:18 i i      i `* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?2Arno Welzel
27 Jun22:48 i i      i  `- Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?1Andrew
27 Jun09:14 i i      `* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?2Arno Welzel
27 Jun23:03 i i       `- Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?1Andrew
23 Jun16:41 i `* Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?2Arno Welzel
24 Jun19:28 i  `- Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?1Andrew
24 Jun08:45 `- Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?1Andrew

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