Re: Bungling Apple Lost the Plot on Texting

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Sujet : Re: Bungling Apple Lost the Plot on Texting
De : recscuba_google (at) *nospam* (-hh)
Groupes : comp.os.linux.advocacy sac.politics talk.politics.guns
Suivi-à : comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 24. Nov 2024, 04:12:52
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <vhu5jl$2348d$>
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User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
On 11/23/24 3:18 PM, chrisv wrote:
Alan wrote:
Joel wrote:
Alan wrote:
Joel wrote:
Apple is the enemy, to be blunt.
In what sense?
Who or what are the the enemy OF?
People who like getting value for money.
 They are a fine value, for some fraction of the market.
The very fact that Apple's customer loyalty is absolutely outstanding
suggests that people think they offer excellent value for money.
 Some idiots just don't "get" the need for choice, and that all
products that remain viable in a market are, by definition, the "best
value" for some fraction the market.
Agreed.  By a 'some fraction of the market' metric, marketshare shows that on the desktop, Apple provides a healthy amount of choice (and value) versus Microsoft.
Its been years since I've even bothered to look these up:
Worldwide marketshares of desktop OSs is 73% Win - 16% Mac
(remaining 10% is Chrome+Linux+Unknown, roughly evenly split).
Similarly, for USA, its 62% Win - 25% Mac.

That includes desktop Linux, of course.
Pedantically sure, but at just 4% (& dropped to 4th place overall), desktop Linux is pragmatically almost irrelevant.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
24 Nov 24 o Re: Bungling Apple Lost the Plot on Texting1-hh

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