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badgolferman wrote on Fri, 27 Dec 2024 17:55:50 -0000 (UTC) :That's pointless to me. I live in Europe, no USGS maps here as far as I know, and open street maps are very accurate here.
Thanks, I didn't know that! But since I don't like the interface ofThere are so many ways to do what badgolferman asked, all of which I've
Apple Maps and don't use it, it's no surprise I haven't seen that.
done myself, so I could write a book on how to do offline routing.
Most people who recommend OSMAnd don't actually know anything about it.
While OSMAnd+/OSMAnd~/OSMAnd (which I'll refer to just as "OSMAnd" here)
can do offline routing, the public topo maps for Open Street Maps are
horrendously inaccurate - compared to that of the free USGS topo maps.
If you're in the middle of the mountains in the US, and biking or hiking,
then you can't beat the accuracy of the USGS geoPDFs which can be routed on
inside of the free Avenza or Paper Maps apps on both Android and iOS.
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