Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID

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Sujet : Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID
De : YourName (at) *nospam* (Your Name)
Groupes : comp.sys.mac.system comp.sys.mac.advocacy
Date : 05. Aug 2024, 02:29:54
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v8p9uh$ep9f$>
References : 1 2
User-Agent : Unison/2.2
On 2024-08-04 21:53:02 +0000, Tyrone said:
On Aug 4, 2024 at 5:33:17 PM EDT, "Alan" <> wrote:
On 2024-08-04 14:22, Tyrone wrote:
On Aug 4, 2024 at 2:35:09 PM EDT, "Alan" <> wrote:
And finally, we get to the home screen where we can use the iPad,
without ever having had to sign into Apple's servers.
 21-Home screen.jpeg
 Now, to be sure, there is a fairly limited set of apps that come on the
iPad; 23 apps to be exact, and some of them DO work via an AppleID, but
lots don't require one. You may be bothered about finishing setup by
adding an AppleID from time to time, but you can simply ignore those nags.
 You can also say OK and it will take you to the settings. You can then cancel
out and it will never ask you again.
 So we're agreed:
 Anyone who claims that an iOS device is just a "dumb terminal" that
cannot function without a connection to Apple's servers at all times...
 Well, to be fair, ANY device these days can be - sort of - considered a "dumb
terminal" because the whole point of most devices is the network connection. But apparently troll boy has never actually seen a real dumb terminal. It
actually does nothing locally, it merely displays the TEXT that is coming
across the line from the Actual Computer.
 Phones/PCs/iPads etc. are way beyond "dumb". There is more local processing
going on than in mainframes of 20 years ago.
Maybe, but the tech industry is pushing more and more back towards consumers having what are realistically little more than dumb terminals with all the apps running on the developers' servers (at a monthly subscription of course). Office 365 is the obvious example, but Apple and Adobe also have webapps of their office and creative software.
They want to do that because it makes it easier for them to enure everyone is using the latest version, which in turn pushes poeple into buying a newer device. They also do that to circumvent the pirating of the apps.
BUT having everything on the "cloud" is ridiculously silly and makes it impossible to do anything when your internet connection is down or your device is considered "too old".

The network connection is needed,to get data/apps/communicate with friends/etc. No one buys a phone/PC/iPad to use it as a stand-alone device.
 To use a very old phrase, "The Network IS The Computer". just a huge idiot.
 Well, he is certainly that.  And he demonstrates it every time he rambles on

Date Sujet#  Auteur
4 Aug 24 * Setting up an iPad without an AppleID23Alan
4 Aug 24 +* Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID11Tyrone
4 Aug 24 i`* Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID10Alan
4 Aug 24 i `* Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID9Tyrone
5 Aug 24 i  `* Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID8Your Name
5 Aug 24 i   +* Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID2Andrew
5 Aug 24 i   i`- Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID1Andrew
5 Aug 24 i   +* Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID4Tyrone
5 Aug 24 i   i+- Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID1Andrew
5 Aug 24 i   i`* Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID2Your Name
24 Aug 24 i   i `- Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID1Andrew
18 Aug 24 i   `- Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID1Voice of REASON
17 Aug 24 `* Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID11Tom Elam
17 Aug 24  +* Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID8-hh
17 Aug 24  i+- Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID1Alan
18 Aug 24  i+- Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID1Andrew
30 Aug 24  i`* Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID5Tom Elam
30 Aug 24  i `* Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID4Your Name
31 Aug 24  i  `* Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID3Chris
1 Sep 24  i   +- Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID1Jolly Roger
1 Sep 24  i   `- Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID1Jörg Lorenz
18 Aug 24  +- Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID1Andrew
19 Aug 24  `- Re: Setting up an iPad without an AppleID1Alan

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