some time ago we discussed the Hoefler text as bread font, but nobody
would suggest fonts to combine with it. I have been experimenting with
this, and based on the idea that combining fonts from the same
typographer should usually work, used the Gotham for sans-serif and the
Operator for mono-spaced (in my work, monospaced is used mostly for
computer code). I am not an artist, so the only bad thing about this
combination I noticed is the `l´ in the italic version of the Operator,
that sticks out too much (although it is nicely different from `i`, `I´
`l´ and `1´). What do you think? What would be the alternatives?
% !Mode:: "TeX:UK:UTF-8"
% !TEX program = XeLaTeX
\usepackage{fontspec, lipsum}
% HoeflerText from fontsgeek.com
\setmainfont{HoeflerText Roman.otf}[
BoldFont = HoeflerText Bold.otf,
ItalicFont = HoeflerText Italic.otf,
BoldItalicFont = HoeflerText-Bold-Italic Regular.otf,
SmallCapsFont = HoeflerText -SmallCaps Roman.otf,
% Gotham
BoldFont = GothamBold.ttf,
ItalicFont = GothamBookItalic.ttf,
BoldItalicFont = GothamBoldItalic.ttf,
% Operator Mono from
BoldFont = OperatorMono-Bold.ttf,
ItalicFont = OperatorMono-BookItalic.ttf,
BoldItalicFont = OperatorMono-BoldItalic.ttf,
% Note: the font names as downloaded are a bit odd, they were changed
for consistency
\title{Hoefler Text, combined with Gotham and OperatorMono}
\section{Test fonts}
Normal: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1Iil| 0O 5S6 8B ()
{} [] ~-\_ @!"§\$ \% \& /=?*+\# `´;:,.€ 1234567890 st ct Qu
\textbf{Bold: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1Iil| 0O 5S6
8B () {} [] ~-\_ @!"§\$ \% \& /=?*+\# `´;:,.€ 1234567890 st ct Qu}
\textit{Italic: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1Iil| 0O 5S6
8B () {} [] ~-\_ @!"§\$ \% \& /=?*+\# `´;:,.€ 1234567890 st ct Qu}
\textbf{\textit{Bold italic: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
1Iil| 0O 5S6 8B () {} [] ~-\_ @!"§\$ \% \& /=?*+\# `´;:,.€ 1234567890 st
ct Qu}}
\textsc{Small caps: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1Iil| 0O
5S6 8B () {} [] ~-\_ @!"§\$ \% \& /=?*+\# `´;:,.€ 1234567890 st ct Qu}
\textsf{Sans serif: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1Iil| 0O
5S6 8B () {} [] ~-\_ @!"§\$ \% \& /=?*+\# `´;:,.€ 1234567890 st ct Qu}
\textsf{\textbf{Sans serif bold: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy
dog 1Iil| 0O 5S6 8B () {} [] ~-\_ @!"§\$ \% \& /=?*+\# `´;:,.€
1234567890 st ct Qu}}
\textsf{\textit{Sans serif italic: The quick brown fox jumps over the
lazy dog 1Iil| 0O 5S6 8B () {} [] ~-\_ @!"§\$ \% \& /=?*+\# `´;:,.€
1234567890 st ct Qu}}
\textsf{\textit{\textbf{Sans serif italic bold: The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog 1Iil| 0O 5S6 8B () {} [] ~-\_ @!"§\$ \% \& /=?*+
\# `´;:,.€ 1234567890 st ct Qu}}}
\texttt{Typewriter text: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
1Iil| 0O 5S6 8B () {} [] ~-\_ @!"§\$ \% \& /=?*+\# `´;:,.€ 1234567890 st
ct Qu }
\texttt{\textit{Typewriter text italic: The quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog 1Iil| 0O 5S6 8B () {} [] ~-\_ @!"§\$ \% \& /=?*+\# `´;:,.€
1234567890 st ct Qu}}
\textbf{\textit{Typewriter text bold: The quick brown fox jumps over the
lazy dog 1Iil| 0O 5S6 8B () {} [] ~-\_ @!"§\$ \% \& /=?*+\# `´;:,.€
1234567890 st ct Qu}}
\texttt{\textit{\textbf{Typewriter text bold italic: The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog 1Iil| 0O 5S6 8B () {} [] ~-\_ @!"§\$ \% \& /=?*+
\# `´;:,.€ 1234567890 st ct Qu}}}
The quick brown \textsf{fox jumps} over \texttt{the lazy} dog
\textit{The quick brown \textsf{fox jumps} over \texttt{the lazy} dog}
\textbf{The quick brown \textsf{fox jumps} over \texttt{the lazy} dog}
\section{Sample text}
\subsection{Normal text}
\subsection{Sans Serif}
-- DIN EN ISO 9241 Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) - Part 13: User guidance9.5.3 Error messages should convey what is wrong, what corrective actions can be taken, and the cause of the error.