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Am Wed, 31 Jul 2024 16:23:09 -0500 schrieb olcott:So we are back to your lack of software engineering skill.On 7/31/2024 3:01 PM, Fred. Zwarts wrote:Op 31.jul.2024 om 17:14 schreef olcott:On 7/31/2024 3:44 AM, Fred. Zwarts wrote:Op 31.jul.2024 om 06:09 schreef olcott:This algorithm is used by all the simulating termination analyzers:We don't show any of HHH and show the execution trace of of just DDDThis assumption is incorrect if it means that HHH is an unconditional
assuming that HHH is an x86 emulator.
simulator that does not abort.If HHH can't simulate itself, it is not a decider.So, Sipser only agreed to a correct simulation, not with an incorrectint DD()
simulation that violates the semantics of the x86 language by skipping
the last few instructions of a halting program.
int Halt_Status = HHH(DD);
if (Halt_Status)
HERE: goto HERE;
return Halt_Status;
int main()
DD correctly emulated by HHH cannot possibly reach its own second line.
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