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Am Fri, 22 Nov 2024 10:36:25 -0600 schrieb olcott:WE HAVE NOT BEEN TALKING ABOUT ABORT/NOT ABORTOn 11/22/2024 9:16 AM, joes wrote:Am Fri, 22 Nov 2024 08:50:33 -0600 schrieb olcott:On 11/22/2024 6:20 AM, joes wrote:Am Thu, 21 Nov 2024 15:19:43 -0600 schrieb olcott:On 11/21/2024 3:11 PM, joes wrote:Am Thu, 21 Nov 2024 09:19:03 -0600 schrieb olcott:On 11/20/2024 10:00 PM, Richard Damon wrote:On 11/20/24 9:57 PM, olcott wrote:On 11/20/2024 5:51 PM, Richard Damon wrote:On 11/20/24 5:03 PM, olcott wrote:On 11/20/2024 3:53 AM, Mikko wrote:On 2024-11-20 03:23:12 +0000, olcott said:On 11/19/2024 4:12 AM, Mikko wrote:On 2024-11-18 20:42:02 +0000, olcott said:On 11/18/2024 3:41 AM, Mikko wrote:The "the mapping" on the subject line is not correct. The
subject line does not specify which mapping and there is
no larger context that could specify that. Therefore it
should be "a mapping".
On 2024-11-17 18:36:17 +0000, olcott said:It does. If it were always set to True, all instances of the same HHHThe static root variable has not one damn thing to do with theTMs don't have side effects, such as reading a static Root variable.Only HHH is required to be a pure function, DDD is expressly allowedAll instances of DDD behave the same (if it is a pure function andIT IS NOT THE SAME INSTANCE OF DDD.Whatever. DDD halts and HHH should return that.But it gets the wrong answer for the halting problem, as DDD dpesDDD emulated by HHH does not halt.
the HHH called from it doesn't switch behaviour by a static
to be any damn thing.
fact that DDD emulated by HHH cannot possibly reach its own "return"
would abort and halt. Why else would it be there?
--The behavior of DDD emulated by HHH is different than the actualYes. HHH simulates it incorrectly.
behavior of DDD emulated by HHH1.
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