Sujet : Re: Command Languages Versus Programming Languages
De : kempe (at) *nospam* (Andreas Kempe)
Groupes : comp.unix.programmerDate : 14. Apr 2024, 19:11:02
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Organisation : Lysator ACS
Message-ID : <uvh2n6$2sb3$>
References : 1
User-Agent : slrn/1.0.3 (FreeBSD)
Den 2024-03-29 skrev Lawrence D'Oliveiro <
At one time, we distinguished between “scripting” languages and
“programming” languages. To begin with, the “scripting” languages were
somehow more limited in functionality than full-fledged “programming”
languages. Or they were slower, because they were interpreted.
I guess this could be a language thing since English is not my first
language, but I have never encountered this distinction between
programming languages and scripting languages before. I have always
seen scripting languages as a subset of programming languages. In
Swedish, scripting languages are referred to as programspråk or
programmeringsspråk, i.e. program languages or programming languages,
just as C/C++/whatever.
My personal view of a scripting languages' defining trait has been that
you distribute human readable code for a scripting language. You don't
compile it to something else before shipping it to the consumer. It is
always translated or interpreted by the consumer, but as all rules
have exceptions, I'm sure there are some good ones to this as well.