Sujet : Wade Rosen en video
De : lecoat (at) *nospam* (Francois LE COAT)
Groupes : fr.comp.sys.atariDate : 16. Jun 2022, 21:45:06
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Organisation : NNTP Server
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Wade Rosen a participé à sa première interview en vidéo sur le WEB ...
#Shacknews #ShackE6 #Atari
*E6* - *Atari CEO Wade Rosen On Life As An Executive*
In the Shacknews channel 2022/06/16
Shacknews E6 2022 will take place between June 14-17 and will feature
a special indie showcase presentation, live music performances, and
exclusive game developer interviews. The event will take place live on
our Shacknews Twitch channel and all of the VODs will be on our YouTube
channel. We will be announcing more details on guests in the coming
weeks, but we just couldn't contain our excitement anymore. Tune in next
month for the continuation of our special event series that began with
E4 2020.
Étant donné qu'il est rare en interview, c'est intéressant à regarder.
-- François LE COATAuteur de Eurêka 2.12 (Grapheur 2D, Modeleur 3D)