Re: quelqu'un connait cette carte ascii --> SD ?

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Sujet : Re: quelqu'un connait cette carte ascii --> SD ?
De : djame (at) *nospam* (Djamé)
Groupes : fr.comp.sys.atari
Date : 30. Sep 2024, 09:59:52
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Organisation : Guest of ProXad - France
Message-ID : <66fa6889$0$3690$>
References : 1
User-Agent : Unison/2.2
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On 2024-09-30 08:37:16 +0000, Djamé said:

 je viens de tomber sur cette carte, les specifications ont l'air pas mal  (voir plus bas) mais je n'en ai jamais entendu parler.
 Quelqu'un connait ?
    SD4ST+mini Device allows you to emulate up to 2 hard drives using micro SD Cards.
    For TOS < 1.04 please use ICD Pro Driver Images as supplied mr Putink Demo Image works correctly from TO 1.04 onwards.
    It has a very good set of features at the price.
 Ideal for people:
-    who wants to start the journey to explore how hard drives work in the Atari 16bit world,
-    wants to keep the whole collection of software in one place,
-    move data more freely between PC and Atari (some drivers allow you to do that natively (Putnik) , some drivers req. additional transferring software (ICD)), please refer to the manual (link below))
-         Performance: 1300KB/s read / 600KB/s write,
-         2 Micro Cards SDHC and/or SDXC (tested on SDs: 1GB-64GB),
-         SD Card Sense feature - supported by Atari Drivers: ICD, PeraPutnik,
-         RTC Clock - supports ICD PRO (natively by the driver) and is compatible with Ultrasatan standard,
-         hardware control of timing Atari's critical signals with 5-10nS accuracy,
-         Future firmware upgrades (when available) via USB cable with provided documentation.
-         connects directly to the EXTERNAL ACSI port of Atari ST / STE, no additional cables are required,
-         supports up to two MICRO SD cards (tested on SDs from 1GB to 64GB),
-         supported drivers:
-               ICD PRO (free),
-               PeraPutnik (commercial) compatible,
-               HDDRIVER (experimental)
-          USB-C power connector (5V needed only) - any mobile phone charger needed - power consumption about 40mA - NOT SUPPLIED. 
-        Please do not use USB power banks as due to the minimal power consumption they usually switch off after 1-2 minutes. 
    SD4ST+mini Device allows you to emulate up to 2 hard drives using micro SD Cards.
    For TOS < 1.04 please use ICD Pro Driver Images as supplied mr Putink Demo Image works correctly from TO 1.04 onwards.
    It has a very good set of features at the price.
 Ideal for people:
-    who wants to start the journey to explore how hard drives work in the Atari 16bit world,
-    wants to keep the whole collection of software in one place,
-    move data more freely between PC and Atari (some drivers allow you to do that natively (Putnik) , some drivers req. additional transferring software (ICD)), please refer to the manual (link below))
-         Performance: 1300KB/s read / 600KB/s write,
-         2 Micro Cards SDHC and/or SDXC (tested on SDs: 1GB-64GB),
-         SD Card Sense feature - supported by Atari Drivers: ICD, PeraPutnik,
-         RTC Clock - supports ICD PRO (natively by the driver) and is compatible with Ultrasatan standard,
-         hardware control of timing Atari's critical signals with 5-10nS accuracy,
-         Future firmware upgrades (when available) via USB cable with provided documentation.
-         connects directly to the EXTERNAL ACSI port of Atari ST / STE, no additional cables are required,
-         supports up to two MICRO SD cards (tested on SDs from 1GB to 64GB),
-         supported drivers:
-               ICD PRO (free),
-               PeraPutnik (commercial) compatible,
-               HDDRIVER (experimental)
-          USB-C power connector (5V needed only) - any mobile phone charger needed - power consumption about 40mA - NOT SUPPLIED. 
-        Please do not use USB power banks as due to the minimal power consumption they usually switch off after 1-2 minutes. 

Date Sujet#  Auteur
30 Sep 24 * quelqu'un connait cette carte ascii --> SD ?4Djamé
30 Sep 24 `* Re: quelqu'un connait cette carte ascii --> SD ?3Djamé
30 Sep 24  `* Re: quelqu'un connait cette carte ascii --> SD ?2Pascal Wijsbroek
30 Sep 24   `- Re: quelqu'un connait cette carte ascii --> SD ?1Arachide

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