c'est chatgpt qui le dit

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Sujet : c'est chatgpt qui le dit
De : corpuschristinospam (at) *nospam* nospam.thkscorpuschristi (corpus christi)
Groupes : fr.lettres.langue.anglaise
Date : 05. Mar 2023, 22:06:36
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Organisation : news.gegeweb.org
Message-ID : <tu2soe$pnv$1@news.gegeweb.eu>
User-Agent : PiaoHong.Usenet.Client.VIP:2.02
If you had to choose between learning American English or British
 English without any explanation or specific context, it would be
 reasonable to choose American English. This is because American
 English is currently more widely spoken worldwide than British
 English, due in part to the global influence of American media,
 technology, and culture.

While British English is still widely spoken and influential,
 especially in certain regions of the world, American English has
 become a de facto standard for international business,
 entertainment, and communication. Learning American English may
 therefore be more useful in terms of global communication and
 career opportunities.

That being said, the choice between learning American or British
 English ultimately depends on your specific goals and context. If
 you plan to study or work in a British or Commonwealth country,
 learning British English may be more appropriate. If you have a
 particular interest in British culture or literature, learning
 British English may be more rewarding. Ultimately, both accents
 have their own unique features and cultural significance, and
 either one can be a valuable tool for effective communication in
 the right context.

(Regenerate response)

Date Sujet#  Auteur
5 Mar 23 * c'est chatgpt qui le dit5corpus christi
5 Mar 23 `* Re: c'est chatgpt qui le dit4corpus christi
6 Mar 23  +- Re: c'est chatgpt qui le dit1joye
6 Mar 23  +- Re: c'est chatgpt qui le dit1Hibou
6 Mar 23  `- Re: c'est chatgpt qui le dit1Jenny Telia

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