Sujet : Re: Études. Le masque est réellement efficace contre le Covid-19
De : conanospamic (at) *nospam* (Eric M)
Groupes : fr.misc.actualite.covid19Date : 04. Nov 2023, 10:26:33
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Organisation : Nemoweb
Message-ID : <KolDn9etImj06Wp1bVIHdIXJcfQ@jntp>
References : 1 2
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Le 04/11/2023 à 10:19, PaulAubrin a écrit :
Joseph Lapado, médecin-chef de Floride
"His claim that studies have found no benefit from masks have been proven wrong in repeated studies including ones by:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A.
Stanford University and Yale University
University of Cincinnati/Cincinnati Children's Hospital
British Medical Journal
University of Central Florida"
Je crois que vous venez encore de vous tirer une balle dans le pied.