Re: Windows 95

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Sujet : Re: Windows 95
De : no (at) *nospam* (Stephane Legras-Decussy)
Groupes :
Date : 07. Sep 2023, 21:35:30
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On 09/06/2023 11:14 PM, Ghost-Raider wrote:

"While leading Microsoft through a time when some of the most innovative and spectacular technology advances occurred (e-readers, cloud computing, social networking, smartphones, tablets, and consumer stores just to name a few), Microsoft has failed to capture these and other major market opportunities, even though they were perhaps positioned better than any other company to do just that."
Voir les 10 raisons.
l'informatique a ceci de particulier que les trucs les plus débiles
peuvent avoir du succès.
l'educ nat ayant choisi python comme langage pour nos mômes,
je me suis obligé de passer 15 mn à assimiler ce truc...
sans déconner, faire varier i de 1 à 5, s'écrit
for i in range(1,6)
au secours... :-(

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