Ana Kyiv

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Sujet : Ana Kyiv
De : os333 (at) *nospam* (Oleg Smirnov)
Groupes : fr.soc.politique
Date : 01. Jan 2025, 11:49:49
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jmh, <>

Le Bureau d'État d'enquête d'Ukraine (SBI) a ouvert une enquête sur les
circonstances de la formation de la 155e brigade mécanisée "Anna Kyiv",
dont l'entrée dans la bataille près de Pokrovsk a entraîné un abandon
massif de positions.
It's essentially a comic story.
Almost one billion d'euros was spent essentially for nothing.
First, "to prepare it in France" sounds like if the French military
could provide some advanced training for them. But this in itself is
already absurd. The French military had no experience of real combat
in the recent decades. They have recently proven to be ineffective in
Africa. That is why some African gov'ts asked them to go out.
Second, the Ukrainian personnel of this brigade, which propaganda
of the Kiev regime positioned as "elite unit", have shown a strong
tendency to go AWOL at every opportunity or run away for good at all.
As it's said, about fifty of them ran away while they were training
in France. And after this "well-trained" brigade was returned to the
Kiev controlled territory the desertion became rampant even before
the brigade was sent to front-line positions.

Fondé en 2004, Censor.NET est un portail Internet ukrainien qui associe
des informations sociales et politiques à un forum. Il est publié en
ukrainien et en russe. Le fondateur de Censor.NET est Yurii Butusov, qui
en est également le rédacteur en chef.
Évaluation de la partialité : CENTRE-GAUCHE
"Censor.NET" portal is just a Nazi nest. They are extremists close
to the classic "National-Socialist" agenda. And they attack the Ze's
government from this position.
"Anna Kiev" (known as "Russian Anna", before the Euroscum started to
spin the Ukraine topic) was notable for the fact that she originally
introduced aristocratic name Philipp into west-European monarchies.
The Philipp case is described here <>
Date Sujet#  Auteur
1 Jan 25 * Ana Kyiv7jmh
1 Jan 25 +* Re: Ana Kyiv2Lebref
1 Jan 25 i`- Re: Ana Kyiv1jmh
1 Jan 25 +- Ana Kyiv1Oleg Smirnov
3 Jan 25 `* Re: Ana Kyiv3jmh
3 Jan 25  +- Re: Ana Kyiv1K.
4 Jan 25  `- Re: Ana Kyiv1jmh

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