Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved

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Sujet : Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved
De : jollyroger (at) *nospam* (Jolly Roger)
Groupes :
Date : 07. Apr 2024, 17:59:41
Autres entêtes
Organisation : People for the Ethical Treatment of Pirates
Message-ID : <>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
User-Agent : slrn/1.0.3 (Darwin)
On 2024-04-07, David Higton <> wrote:
In message <uuttdi$2o2ua$>
          Chris <> wrote:
Oh and the election wasn't stolen.
The reality, i.e. what was determined from the observable facts, was
that Trump was the one trying to steal the election.  I'm surprised
that that has attracted so little attention.

Every accusation is a confession with this dimwits.

E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.


Date Sujet#  Auteur
1 Apr 24 * DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved170Tamborino
1 Apr 24 +* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved163Your Name
1 Apr 24 i+- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Charlie
1 Apr 24 i+- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Frank Slootweg
1 Apr 24 i+* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved9badgolferman
1 Apr 24 ii+* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved2sms
1 Apr 24 iii`- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Frankie
2 Apr 24 ii+* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved5Your Name
2 Apr 24 iii`* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved4Wolf Greenblatt
2 Apr 24 iii `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved3Alan
2 Apr 24 iii  `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved2Wolf Greenblatt
2 Apr 24 iii   `- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
2 Apr 24 ii`- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
4 Apr 24 i`* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved151Hank Rogers
4 Apr 24 i `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved150Your Name
4 Apr 24 i  `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved149Hank Rogers
4 Apr 24 i   `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved148Java Jive
4 Apr 24 i    +* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved26Sn!pe
4 Apr 24 i    i`* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved25Alan
4 Apr 24 i    i `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved24The Real Bev
4 Apr 24 i    i  `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved23Alan
5 Apr 24 i    i   +* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved4The Real Bev
5 Apr 24 i    i   i+- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Sn!pe
5 Apr 24 i    i   i+- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
7 Apr 24 i    i   i`- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Chris
10 Apr 24 i    i   `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved18Anonymous
10 Apr 24 i    i    `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved17Alan
11 Apr 24 i    i     `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved16Anonymous
11 Apr 24 i    i      `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved15Alan
12 Apr 24 i    i       `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved14Anonymous
12 Apr 24 i    i        +* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved3Alan
13 Apr 24 i    i        i`* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved2Anonymous
13 Apr 24 i    i        i `- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
12 Apr 24 i    i        `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved10Alan
12 Apr 24 i    i         `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved9Jolly Roger
13 Apr 24 i    i          `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved8Anonymous
13 Apr 24 i    i           `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved7Alan
14 Apr 24 i    i            `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved6Anonymous
14 Apr 24 i    i             `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved5Alan
15 Apr 24 i    i              `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved4Anonymous
15 Apr 24 i    i               `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved3Alan
16 Apr 24 i    i                `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved2Anonymous
16 Apr 24 i    i                 `- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
4 Apr 24 i    +- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Your Name
4 Apr 24 i    `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved120Anonymous
4 Apr 24 i     +- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
7 Apr 24 i     `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved118Chris
7 Apr 24 i      +- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
7 Apr 24 i      +* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved18David Higton
7 Apr 24 i      i+- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Jolly Roger
10 Apr 24 i      i+* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved8Anonymous
10 Apr 24 i      ii+- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
10 Apr 24 i      ii`* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved6Chris
11 Apr 24 i      ii `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved5Anonymous
11 Apr 24 i      ii  `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved4Chris
12 Apr 24 i      ii   `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved3Anonymous
12 Apr 24 i      ii    `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved2Alan
12 Apr 24 i      ii     `- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Chris
10 Apr 24 i      i`* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved8Chris
10 Apr 24 i      i `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved7Alan
10 Apr 24 i      i  `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved6badgolferman
10 Apr 24 i      i   `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved5Alan
10 Apr 24 i      i    `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved4badgolferman
10 Apr 24 i      i     `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved3Alan
10 Apr 24 i      i      `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved2badgolferman
10 Apr 24 i      i       `- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
10 Apr 24 i      `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved98Anonymous
10 Apr 24 i       +- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
10 Apr 24 i       +* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved94Chris
11 Apr 24 i       i`* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved93Anonymous
11 Apr 24 i       i `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved92Chris
12 Apr 24 i       i  `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved91Anonymous
12 Apr 24 i       i   `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved90Chris
14 Apr 24 i       i    `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved89Anonymous
14 Apr 24 i       i     +* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved11Alan
15 Apr 24 i       i     i`* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved10Anonymous
15 Apr 24 i       i     i `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved9Alan
16 Apr 24 i       i     i  `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved8Anonymous
16 Apr 24 i       i     i   `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved7Alan
17 Apr 24 i       i     i    +* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved2Hank Rogers
17 Apr 24 i       i     i    i`- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
19 Apr 24 i       i     i    `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved4Anonymous
20 Apr 24 i       i     i     `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved3Alan
21 Apr 24 i       i     i      `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved2Anonymous
21 Apr 24 i       i     i       `- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
14 Apr 24 i       i     `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved77Chris
14 Apr 24 i       i      +* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved8The Real Bev
14 Apr 24 i       i      i+* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved6Alan
14 Apr 24 i       i      ii`* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved5The Real Bev
14 Apr 24 i       i      ii `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved4Alan
14 Apr 24 i       i      ii  `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved3The Real Bev
14 Apr 24 i       i      ii   +- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
15 Apr 24 i       i      ii   `- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Chris
15 Apr 24 i       i      i`- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Chris
15 Apr 24 i       i      `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved68Anonymous
15 Apr 24 i       i       +* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved22Alan
16 Apr 24 i       i       i`* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved21Anonymous
16 Apr 24 i       i       i +* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved16Alan
19 Apr 24 i       i       i i`* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved15Anonymous
20 Apr 24 i       i       i i +* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved13Alan
20 Apr 24 i       i       i i i+* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved7The Real Bev
21 Apr 24 i       i       i i i`* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved5Anonymous
20 Apr 24 i       i       i i `- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Chris
17 Apr 24 i       i       i `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved4Alan
15 Apr 24 i       i       `* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved45Chris
10 Apr 24 i       +- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
12 Apr 24 i       `- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Kees Nuyt
2 Apr 24 +- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Alan
5 Apr 24 +* Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved4Arno Welzel
13 Apr 24 `- Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android when RCS messaging is involved1Jörg Lorenz

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