Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons

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Sujet : Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons
De : jollyroger (at) *nospam* (Jolly Roger)
Groupes :
Date : 24. Apr 2024, 02:07:24
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Organisation : People for the Ethical Treatment of Pirates
Message-ID : <>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
User-Agent : slrn/1.0.3 (Darwin)
On 2024-04-23, badgolferman <> wrote:
Jolly Roger wrote:
Any opinion outside of the "approved" Apple one makes you a
Well, I really hope not.
badgolferman trolls here regularly, so if you are taking his word for
anything regarding trolling, you're pretty gullible.
I think Wilf is old enough to decide for himself

I never claimed differently. And it's easy enough for anyone interested
to read your trollish posts.

notwithstanding your indirect insult of him.

Not an insult (especially if he doesn't just take your word for it) -
just the truth.

E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.


Date Sujet#  Auteur
23 Apr 24 * [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons30Your Name
23 Apr 24 `* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons29badgolferman
23 Apr 24  `* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons28Jörg Lorenz
23 Apr 24   +- Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons1Hank Rogers
23 Apr 24   +* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons25Wilf
23 Apr 24   i+* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons16badgolferman
23 Apr 24   ii+* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons6Wilf
23 Apr 24   iii`* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons5Jolly Roger
23 Apr 24   iii `* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons4badgolferman
24 Apr 24   iii  +* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons2Wilf
24 Apr 24   iii  i`- Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons1Jolly Roger
24 Apr 24   iii  `- Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons1Jolly Roger
23 Apr 24   ii+* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons8Jörg Lorenz
23 Apr 24   iii`* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons7badgolferman
23 Apr 24   iii `* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons6Jolly Roger
24 Apr 24   iii  +* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons2Sten deJoode
24 Apr 24   iii  i`- Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons1Jolly Roger
24 Apr 24   iii  +- Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons1Sten deJoode
24 Apr 24   iii  `* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons2badgolferman
24 Apr 24   iii   `- Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons1Jolly Roger
24 Apr 24   ii`- Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons1Your Name
23 Apr 24   i`* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons8Jolly Roger
24 Apr 24   i `* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons7Wilf
24 Apr 24   i  +* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons3Hank Rogers
24 Apr 24   i  i`* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons2Sten deJoode
24 Apr 24   i  i `- Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons1Hank Rogers
24 Apr 24   i  `* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons3Jolly Roger
24 Apr 24   i   `* Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons2badgolferman
24 Apr 24   i    `- Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons1Sten deJoode
24 Apr 24   `- Re: [RUMOUR] iPhone 16 (or 17) won'ty have physical buttons1Sten deJoode

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