-hh wrote on Sun, 21 Jul 2024 10:03:35 -0400 :
On the contrary, the evidence is in the lack of news/drama when it comes
to product as deployed - the classical "it just works".
While I'm well aware of the genius of Apple's lies of "It just works",
let's teset that out, shall we?
1. I installed an app on iOS & Android long ago
2. It's no longer in the App Store on either platform
3. Which of the two platforms "just works" when I want to migrate
that previously installed app onto any number of new devices?
Hint: The Apple ecosystem never "just works".
Let's test it again, but with a different set of common conditions:
a. I want to have anonymity when using a web browser
b. So I choose the canonical well-supported respected Tor Browser
c. On which of the two platforms does the Tor browser "just work"?
Hint: The Apple ecosystem almost never "just works".
Do you want me to give you scores of similar examples, from system-wide
firewalls to deleting apps to changing icon names to organizing your
homescreen how YOU want it (e.g., with app icons in multiple folders), to
running non-Google Chrome variants, to running graphical Wi-Fi and cellular
debuggers, etc.
HINT: The Apple ecosystem almost never "just works".
If you think it does, that simply proves how gullible you are to Apple's
admittedly brilliant advertising. Almost nothing "just works" on iOS.
It's classic for Dunning-Kruger people far to the left of Mount Stupid to
claim a strongly held opinion they can't back up with even a single fact.
Q: Name a single thing that the iPhone does that's better than Android?
A: (we'll wait)
See: "It just works". The ramifications of this as a developmental
discipline is to have V&V of new technologies *prior* to them being
sold, to make sure that they're actually work, reliably, in real world
fielded applications. A concrete example of this is *not* adopting a
folding display screen that then subsequently fails/degrades in the
hands of customers.
And of course, Apple isn't perfectly infallible, for we can cite the
'butterfly' keyboard failures as an illustration of a mistake made: the
key thing is to have a corporate culture which minimizes the risks of
repeating of prior mistakes - which is indicative of why we've had to
refer to a failure in design from 2015 .. nearly a full decade ago.
The fact that you believe it just works is proof alone that you know
absolutely nothing of how every other operating system works, hh.
Who is that gullible?
If you turn off the Internet, and if you don't log into Cupertino's servers
every moment of your life, nothing you love about the walled garden works.
Yet, with EVERY other operating system NOT Apple, it still works.
Only Apple operating systems require a login to the mother ship to work.
You really have no business in an adult conversation other than to prove
how fantastically gullible the Apple customer is to brilliant marketing.