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Le 24/07/2024 17:24, Nicolas Paul Colin de Glocester a écrit :Let's see.Well if one would like to write in one’s native tongue then one may permit us to do so too. Will you be cancelling illegal disrespect against our tongue by the European Union and by the Council of Europe and by the United Nations and by the International Criminal Court?>
Of course not! Where did you take this weird idea?
Maybe I was not clear enough.
The articles that were long cancelled by some news servers, and recentlyTo be clear, cancels from miakibot (Olivier Miakinen's robot) seem
cancelled by my spam bot, have nothing to do with the contents of the
body of the message, and so they have nothing to do with the language
used in these article bodies.
The one and only criterium is the content of the "Newsgroups" header andFor theses cancels.
the presence or absence of the "Followup-To" header with one group.
Les messages affichés proviennent d'usenet.