On 14 Apr 2024 17:55:38 GMT,
ram@zedat.fu-berlin.de (Stefan Ram) wrote:
doctor@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca (The Doctor) wrote or quoted:
What happened to the young people who wanted to set up a Usenet node?
Usenet was cool back in the day
social media is moderated and controlled by agencies that control the system;
mainstream media is strictly commercial, catering to those inside the system,
thus has always been strictly controlled by those that control the narrative;
whereas, unmoderated usenet newsgroups are all-inclusive, meaning even those
outside the system may participate, and lurkers could outnumber contributors
and participants by a wide margin; unmoderated is synonymous with uncensored;
everyone knows it's typical for active newsgroups to get spammed and trolled,
and since google's exit, usenet is probably getting more popular, not less...