Re: Admins of borked Usenet providers have vanished.

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Sujet : Re: Admins of borked Usenet providers have vanished.
De : candycanearter07 (at) *nospam* candycanearter07.nomail.afraid (candycanearter07)
Groupes : news.admin.peering
Date : 09. Mar 2024, 03:31:24
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Organisation : the-candyden-of-code
Message-ID : <usge5b$20aea$>
References : 1 2
User-Agent : slrn/pre1.0.4-9 (Linux)
Retro Guy <> wrote at 01:07 this Saturday (GMT):
Vaniko wrote:
Yet another nntp service is borked with no word from its owner.
The Rocksolid Usenet / NNTP servers are no longer authenticating to
allow posts.
There is no word from the admin yet on what is going on. In fact the
admin has yet to acknowledge that he is still alive.
I know this is an old message to reply to, but I just saw it so why not.
I'm the admin of Rocksolid, etc. When you posted this I was in a medically induced coma following a major surgery that was preceded by another major surgery, followed by 8 months of chemotherapy. There were several months where I could do nothing to administrate anything. (There were weeks that I have no memory of at all).

Oh no!! Are you alright?

I assume whatever the issue was with the servers resolved itself, as people have been using them since.
Why would an administrator make no statement acknowledging the status of
a service that has gone down or is broken?

That would be really sad.
user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom

Date Sujet#  Auteur
9 Mar 24 * Re: Admins of borked Usenet providers have vanished.2candycanearter07
9 Mar 24 `- Re: Admins of borked Usenet providers have vanished.1candycanearter07

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