Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?

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Sujet : Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?
De : rayban (at) *nospam* (Ray Banana)
Groupes : news.admin.peering
Date : 03. May 2024, 07:21:24
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Organisation : A noiseless patient spider
Message-ID : <>
References : 1
User-Agent : Plonkenlights
Thus spake Andrew <>
Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?
 <> No updates after 22Feb24

Both and are web
frontends for Usenet servers with limited retention and daily expiry
runs, so they do not qualify as Usenet archives, IMNSHO.

Пу́тін — хуйло́

Date Sujet#  Auteur
2 May 24 * Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?14Andrew
2 May 24 +- Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?1Marco Moock
3 May 24 +* Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?8Ray Banana
3 May 24 i+* Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?6Retro Guy
3 May 24 ii`* Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?5rek2 hispagatos
3 May 24 ii +* Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?2Ray Banana
4 May 24 ii i`- Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?1rek2 hispagatos
5 May 24 ii `* Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?2Andrew
5 May 24 ii  `- Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?1rek2 hispagatos
3 May 24 i`- Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?1Retro Guy
12 May 24 `* Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?4Billy G. (go-while)
15 May 24  `* Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?3Andrew
15 May 24   `* Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?2Ross Finlayson
17 May 24    `- Re: Are these the only 3 known updated Usenet archives left?1Andrew

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