Re: Fw: Protonmail and 'Swiss privacy' remind me of Operation Rubicon.

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Sujet : Re: Fw: Protonmail and 'Swiss privacy' remind me of Operation Rubicon.
De : michael.uplawski (at) *nospam* (Michael Uplawski)
Groupes :
Date : 03. Jun 2024, 06:24:29
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Organisation : mediocre
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D wrote in

+1 . . . saved for reference and forwarding
p.s.  seems like mix/yamn reliability for posting to newsgroups
    has been every bit of 100% based on thousands of articles
    arriving via remailer chains over the past several months

Would this discussion not be more pertinent in a privacy related
newsgroup (if there are any left), with people more sensible and
experienced in treating these questions?

In my opinion, all the documents currently available, miss an
updated evaluation of the remailer network. Only as an example of
potentially many problems to address, the vulnarabilities that
RProcess had mentioned in his time, have nowhere been treated in an
equally comprehensive way (else point me at a recent text).
The mixminion project has, as far as I know, *not* provided the

If nothing has, than you should doubt the reliability of the

F*k AI!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
3 Jun 24 o Re: Fw: Protonmail and 'Swiss privacy' remind me of Operation Rubicon.1Michael Uplawski

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