Fw: Certificate error Thunderbird

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Sujet : Fw: Certificate error Thunderbird
De : noreply (at) *nospam* mixmin.net (D)
Groupes : news.software.readers
Date : 01. Jul 2024, 15:57:12
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Organisation : dizum.com - The Internet Problem Provider
Message-ID : <20240701.155712.7fd41db2@mixmin.net>
References : 1 2
On Sun, 30 Jun 2024 12:54:21 +0000, Anonymous <nobody@yamn.paranoici.org> wrote:
Yamn Remailer <remailer@domain.invalid> wrote:
Using Omnimix with Thunderbird
I got this error
Sending of the message failed.
The certificate is not trusted because it is self-signed.
The configuration related to localhost must be corrected.
As global CAs provide trusted certificates only for public, worldwide
unique domain names, there's no chance to get such a certificate with a
valid trust path, to be added to OM at its Cert|Server tab, for private
IPs like or private domains like localhost.
So either add a security exception to your client as shown in
https://danner-net.de/omom/tutorconfigclienttbirdmail.htm and
https://danner-net.de/omom/tutor_config_tbird_mail_14.gif to make
Thunderbird accept OM's self-signed demo certificate
deactivate SSL/TLS and use unencrypted connections, as it's anyway a
potentially secure local connection with data not leaving your computer.
A more complex way would be to add your individual self-signed
certificate, e.g. created at OM's Cert|Creator tab, to the local
computer's Certificate Store as a trusted root CA certificate.

40tude Dialog is an oldie but goodie (e.g. v2.0.15.1, 4d2b38.exe, 3.8 MB,
2005-2-7), runs great in Windows 11 23h2 and older, uses hamster scoring,
and is the best all-around freeware newsreader client available anywhere;
best of all it works great with Omnimix and Tor Browser, *see note below . . .

(using Tor Browser 13.5)
The last installation package officially published by the programmer Marcus Monnig
is still available for download on the Internet under the file name 4d2b38.exe and
can also be downloaded from this website: Installation package .
The installation package contains program version (aka Build 1 of Beta 38).
Explanations of 40tude Dialog's numbering systems can be found in the About section
of this FAQ. https://www.barghahn-online.de/4td_faq/ueber.php#version
This FAQ recommends updating the standard installation to the last published
subversion of the program (i.e. Build 41 of Beta 38), in which some
program errors in the standard installation have been corrected. All you need to do
is replace the Dialog.exe program file in the installation directory with the newer
version. (For more information, see the Installation section of this FAQ.)
The update to Build 41 of Beta 38 can also be found (usually as a packed zip
archive) variously on the Internet and here on the website: Update .
(dialog_41.zip / 2.83 MB / 1 Files, 0 Folders), extracted to overwrite old file . . .
(C:\Program Files (x86)\40tude Dialog\dialog.exe / 6.49 MB / v2.0.15.41 / 2005-08-29)
The use of Build 84 of Beta 38 is expressly not recommended! (Explanations on this
can also be found in the About section of this FAQ.) However, this version is also
circulating on the Internet as an individual update. A possible download source for
those interested who are aware of the risks of using an unreleased developer version
but still want to test Build 84 of Beta 38 is: Update (not recommended!!)
Copyright (c) 2009 - 2020 for the 40tude Dialog FAQ: Joachim Reiter (author) and the
contributors to the Usenet news group de.comm.software.40tude-dialog (update)
[end quote]

  *note: still using, works swimmingly (upgrade to optional)

OmniMix 2.7.3 (2023-05-12)

Tor Browser 13.5 (2024-6-20):

Date Sujet#  Auteur
1 Jul 24 o Fw: Certificate error Thunderbird1D

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