From the Archives .....

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Sujet : From the Archives .....
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel70)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 29. Apr 2024, 14:44:05
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v0o4mm$1odru$>
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Tonight's re-post from the archives relates to (perhaps) why DoctorBill and the following iterations of The Doctor *DIDN'T REMEMBER* previous incarnations.
Back in July 1991, there was a thread titled 'Colin Baker inconsistencies' which included this post ....
"Sorry to nip all sorts of speculation about why Colin Baker didn't remember "The Two Doctors" before it happened in the bud... but Robert Holmes came up with an explanation in the story. He mentioned that the drug given to the second Doctor (siralanimode?) causes memory loss."
If one of the Classic Who Writers/Directors, Robert Holme, had already, possibly, given US a reason why none of the T.V. Doctors had any recollections of Pre-Hartnel iterations of The Doctor until along came The Timeless Child .... Possibly the affects of a massive dose of 'siralanimode (??)' taken prior to the start of DoctorBill!!
Possible?? Discuss.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
29 Apr 24 * From the Archives .....2Daniel70
30 Apr 24 `- Re: From the Archives .....1Daniel70

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