Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review with spoilers

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Sujet : Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review with spoilers
De : agamemnon (at) *nospam* (The True Doctor)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 12. May 2024, 01:57:53
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v1p0m4$2aeke$>
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On 11/05/2024 22:26, Blueshirt wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
Doctor Who: Space Babies by RT Davies Review
In the latest Doctor Who adventure, we were
treated to a thrilling ride through
time and space with the Doctor and their new friend, Ruby
Tuesday.  The story kicked off with Ruby stepping into the
TARDIS and being amazed by its incredible size inside. It's
like a magic house!
But there's more to the Doctor than meets the eye.
We learn about their mysterious origins back in 1963 and their
special title as a Time Lord. Is the Doctor the last of their
kind? And what happened to Gallifrey? These questions add an
exciting layer to the story.
The TARDIS whisks them off to the prehistoric past, where they
encounter dinosaurs and a butterfly that turns Ruby into an
alien!  Don't worry, though, she's back to normal soon after.
Next stop, a space station! Things get really exciting when
they find babies in an incubator, running the whole show by
themselves!  With a new, huge sonic screwdriver and some quick
thinking, the Doctor and Ruby dive into action.
But danger lurks as an alien guard attacks!
The Doctor and Ruby navigate through the chaos, meeting a
nanny who's been taking care of the babies. The ship's
circuits are on the fritz, and resources are running low. It's
a real nail-biter!
When a mysterious monster threatens the babies, the Doctor's
empathy shines through. With a heartwarming moment between
Ruby and the nanny, they realise the monster is just scared.
Cue the babies with flamethrowers to the rescue!  Who knew
babies could be so brave?
In the end, the Doctor saves the day, repairing the ship and
setting it on course for home. The Doctor's determination to
save even the scariest creatures shows us what a true hero
they are.
Overall, this Christmas special was packed with excitement,
adventure, and heartwarming moments. It's a must-watch for
Doctor Who fans of all ages!
 Where did you copy and paste that from Dave?
 From some degenerate woke AI it seems.
The True Doctor
"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 May 24 * Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review with spoilers5The True Doctor
12 May 24 +* Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review with spoilers2Idlehands
13 May 24 i`- Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review with spoilers1Daniel70
13 May 24 `* Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review with spoilers2Daniel70
13 May 24  `- Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review with spoilers1%

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