Re: The TARDIS landing upside-down with the Doctor and companions inside now available at

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Sujet : Re: The TARDIS landing upside-down with the Doctor and companions inside now available at
De : solar.penguin (at) *nospam* (solar penguin)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 08. Mar 2024, 19:49:42
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <usfj3m$1r5u1$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6
User-Agent : NewsTap/5.5 (iPhone/iPod Touch)
Daniel declared:

The Doctor wrote on 7/3/24 11:50 pm:
 It is called debating the issue Red-beard Dannyboy!
 So just WHO the HELL are YOU, "Yellow Beard Yadallee",
debating with, "Yellow Beard Yadallee"??
 I mean, nobody is discussing the Chat-GPU creations
with YOU, "Yellow Beard Yadallee", so why discuss let
alone "debate", "Yellow Beard Yadallee"??
If the idiot really wanted to debate AI, he could start with
how the BBC publicity people are using AI to write their
press releases about Doctor Who:
solar penguin

Date Sujet#  Auteur
7 Mar 24 * Re: The TARDIS landing upside-down with the Doctor and companions inside now available at nightcafe.studio6Daniel65
8 Mar 24 `* Re: The TARDIS landing upside-down with the Doctor and companions inside now available at nightcafe.studio5Daniel65
8 Mar 24  +* Re: The TARDIS landing upside-down with the Doctor and companions inside now available at nightcafe.studio2solar penguin
10 Mar 24  i`- Re: The TARDIS landing upside-down with the Doctor and companions inside now available at nightcafe.studio1Daniel65
9 Mar 24  `* Re: The TARDIS landing upside-down with the Doctor and companions inside now available at nightcafe.studio2Daniel65
10 Mar 24   `- Re: The TARDIS landing upside-down with the Doctor and companions inside now available at nightcafe.studio1Daniel65

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