Re: Cartoon Logic

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Sujet : Re: Cartoon Logic
De : agamemnon (at) *nospam* (The True Doctor)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 08. Mar 2024, 23:25:11
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <usfvnn$1tn4u$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
On 05/03/2024 11:30, Blueshirt wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
In article <>,
Blueshirt <> wrote:
The True Doctor wrote:
The Church on Ruby Road was not entertaining in any way
shape or for. It was a degenerate woke lecture on
homosexuality and social services so as to rot people's
minds so they don't question anything, and sexually groom
I get a bit worried about people who seem so obsessed with
the sexual grooming of children that they examine episodes
of a TV show specifically looking for evidence of it!!!
Any proof?
 You can read can't you?
 One person here keeps mentioning sexual-grooming in relation to
episodes of Doctor Who. Nobody else seems to have picked up on
these elements in the show, so that person must be REALLY
looking hard.
Have you watched YouTube recently? Almost every channel has picked up on these woke perverts sexually grooming children. It's obvious that an adult is not going to change their sexuality because of it, so it's clear that these perverts are trying to groom children.
The True Doctor
"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

Date Sujet#  Auteur
8 Mar 24 * Re: Cartoon Logic3The True Doctor
10 Mar 24 `* Re: Cartoon Logic2The True Doctor
13 Mar 24  `- Re: Cartoon Logic1solar penguin

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