Re: ChatGPT reviews from Doctor Who all 7 parts of MArco Polo and rates out of 10

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Sujet : Re: ChatGPT reviews from Doctor Who all 7 parts of MArco Polo and rates out of 10
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel65)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 12. Mar 2024, 12:47:44
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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Mich wrote on 12/3/24 2:40 pm:
The Doctor wrote:
"Marco Polo" is a seven-part serial from the first season of Doctor
Who, originally broadcast in 1964. Set in the 13th century, the
story follows the Doctor and his companions as they become
embroiled in the adventures of the famous Venetian explorer Marco
Polo. Let's review each part of the serial and rate them out of
 Marco was actually Croatian. It is just that his birthplace on a Dalmatian island was subjugated to Venice at the time.
Hmm! One of my ancestors came from Dubrovnik, Croatia in about 1850 .... so same sort of area!!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 Mar 24 * Re: ChatGPT reviews from Doctor Who all 7 parts of MArco Polo and rates out of 105Mich
12 Mar 24 `* Re: ChatGPT reviews from Doctor Who all 7 parts of MArco Polo and rates out of 104Daniel65
12 Mar 24  `* Re: ChatGPT reviews from Doctor Who all 7 parts of MArco Polo and rates out of 103Blueshirt
13 Mar 24   +- Re: ChatGPT reviews from Doctor Who all 7 parts of MArco Polo and rates out of 101Mich
13 Mar 24   `- Re: ChatGPT reviews from Doctor Who all 7 parts of MArco Polo and rates out of 101Daniel65

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