Re: The Keys of Marinus are reviewed by ChatGPT

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Sujet : Re: The Keys of Marinus are reviewed by ChatGPT
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel65)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 13. Mar 2024, 09:24:11
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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The Doctor wrote on 13/03/2024 1:30 am:
In article <uspohh$b3b1$>,
solar penguin  <> wrote:
Binky brought us more bot bull*:
  Watch the mouth Idlehands peado-mouth Feather bearded SP!
He CAN'T SEE his mouth, "Yellow Beard Yadallee"!!

Part 1: "The Sea of Death"
In the opening episode, the Doctor and his companions arrive
on the planet Marinus and are immediately drawn into a
quest to retrieve the microcircuits.
No! It wasn't immediately. It didn't happen until near the end
of the episode.
They encounter various challenges, including deadly traps
and hostile natives, as they search for the first key.
No! They don't search for the key until episode two.
 So why were they enlisted and what about the enemy who murders the keeper?
Part 2: "The Velvet Web"
The travelers arrive in the city of Morphoton, where they are
ensnared by the hypnotic influence of the city's rulers. **Barbara
is captured and replaced by an android duplicate,** leading to
a tense confrontation with the city's inhabitants.
No! As you suspected, nobody is replaced by an android duplicate.
 And what about the delusion of Avarice?
Part 3: "The Screaming Jungle"
In this episode, the Doctor and his companions journey through
the treacherous Screaming Jungle in search of the third key.
No! The Doctor isn't in this episode.
 The doctor moves ahead!
They encounter dangerous creatures and rival factions vying
for control of the jungle, leading to a thrilling adventure.
No! There aren't any rival factions.
Part 4: "The Snows of Terror"
As the travelers continue their quest, they arrive in the frozen
wastelands of the Snowcap Mountains. They must contend with
subzero temperatures, avalanches, and the machinations
of a ruthless warlord as they search for the fourth key.
No! There isn't warlord.
 Exactly! What War Lord?
Part 5: "Sentence of Death"
In this episode, the Doctor is accused of murder and must
stand trial in a futuristic courtroom. With his life on the line,
the Doctor must unravel the mystery of the murder and clear
his name before it's too late.
No! Ian is accused of murder, not the Doctor.
**I thought this was Susan**
No! It was Ian. Susan is kidnapped by the murderers.
 My mistake.
 And the Doctor was the lawyer/advocate in this case.
The ** ** is me questioning ChatGPT.
Please try harder.
 Even the synopsis of Episode 6 is wrong!
SO, IF EVEN *YOU* , "Yellow Beard Yadallee", CAN IDENTIFY THAT *WHAT YOU, "Yellow Beard Yadallee" ARE POSTING IS WRONG* , "Yellow Beard Yadallee", WHY BOTHER POSTING IT, "Yellow Beard Yadallee"??
Oh, of course, the All Important Precious Post Count!!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
12 Mar 24 * Re: The Keys of Marinus are reviewed by ChatGPT4solar penguin
13 Mar 24 +* Re: The Keys of Marinus are reviewed by ChatGPT2Daniel65
13 Mar 24 i`- Re: The Keys of Marinus are reviewed by ChatGPT1Idlehands
13 Mar 24 `- Re: The Keys of Marinus are reviewed by ChatGPT1solar penguin

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