Re: Is 'Hames Bond a Gallifreyan Time Lord??

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Sujet : Re: Is 'Hames Bond a Gallifreyan Time Lord??
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel65)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 16. Mar 2024, 11:21:46
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <ut3ob9$2qpr2$>
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The Doctor wrote on 16/3/24 1:26 am:
In article <ut19si$285ub$>, Daniel65
<> wrote:
Of late I've been watching the 'James Bond' series of films and
today, whilst watching "License to Kill" which starred Timothy
Dalton as the MI6 Spy, James Bond , I thought "Is
*James Bond* another Gallifreyan Time Lord, like 'Doctor Who'??
 I mean ... he started off with the looks of Sean Connery and has
changed appearance and changed appearance again and again!!
 And, sort of like how DoctorDavid starred then changed appearance
and then changed back again, similarly, Sean Connery starred and
then changed appearance and then changed back again!! (i.e. Sean
Connery -> George Lazenby -> Sean Connery -> Roger Moore)
 And both James Bond and The Doctor work for 'secret' organizations,
MI6 and UNIT!!
 How have we missed this for 50 years?? James Bond *IS* a Time
 Old hat!
I've never read ANYTHING here about it, "Yellow Beard Yadallee"!!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
15 Mar 24 * Is 'Hames Bond a Gallifreyan Time Lord??6Daniel65
16 Mar 24 +- Re: Is 'Hames Bond a Gallifreyan Time Lord??1Daniel65
18 Mar 24 `* Re: Is 'Hames Bond a Gallifreyan Time Lord??4solar penguin
18 Mar 24  +* Re: Is 'Hames Bond a Gallifreyan Time Lord??2Your Name
19 Mar 24  i`- Re: Is 'Hames Bond a Gallifreyan Time Lord??1Daniel65
19 Mar 24  `- Re: Is 'Hames Bond a Gallifreyan Time Lord??1Daniel65

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