Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?

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Sujet : Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?
De : agamemnon (at) *nospam* (The True Doctor)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 19. Apr 2024, 03:51:26
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <uvsimv$2mc8j$>
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On 18/04/2024 23:41, The Last Doctor wrote:
Blueshirt <> wrote:
Following rumours that Ncuti Gatwa was only doing two seasons as
the 15th Doctor, comments in his latest interview ('Attitude'
magazine) suggests a third season in the role is likely...
 It’s probably too soon to say “good”. But it’s promising (unless you’re a
sad incel and most likely a closeted gay too scared to admit you like
Ncuti’s chutzpah).
Typical retarded woke response from the likes of Squealer. Anyone who doesn't like watching effeminate gay transvestites trying to sexually groom children must be gay themselves. You are a complete moron.

One episode is not enough to pass judgement, but wow, does that man have
charisma. Best first impression since Tennant for sure. Possibly the best
since Tom Baker’s insane quick change routine (pity about the shit FX in
Robot. I had one of those Action Man Scorpion tanks … I knew what I was
looking at even then.)
You are totally insane.
Gatwa doesn't have a clue how to act. He can't even maintain the same accent for more than one sentence at a time.
The True Doctor
"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

Date Sujet#  Auteur
19 Apr 24 * Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?6The Last Doctor
19 Apr 24 +- Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?1The True Doctor
19 Apr 24 `* Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?4The True Doctor
19 Apr 24  `* Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?3The True Doctor
19 Apr 24   `* Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?2The True Doctor
20 Apr 24    `- Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?1The True Doctor

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