Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?

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Sujet : Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?
De : agamemnon (at) *nospam* (The True Doctor)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 20. Apr 2024, 03:18:08
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 19/04/2024 22:50, Blueshirt wrote:
The True Doctor wrote:
On 19/04/2024 22:05, Blueshirt wrote:
How do we know that the Doctor wasn't already given a new
cycle of regenerations by the Time Lords on Gallifrey and
William Hartnell is the 'first' Doctor of that new cycle?
Meaning there was previous incarnations of that character
 From the Deadly Assassin, The Invasion of Time, The Arc of
Infinity, and The Five Doctors we and the Doctor know his
entire history from his biolog and from the Matrix. He only
had 12 regenerations and no previous cycles, as is also
confirmed in The Keeper of Traken and Mawdrin Undead. The Five
Doctor's and The Deadly Assassin categorically rule out any
possibility of new cycles without bringing about the
destruction of Gallifrey as Berusa or the Master only needed
to become President to allocate them to themselves. No Game of
Rassilon, no Sash of Rassilon, nothing more than issuing an
executive order. No such technology existed. New cycles only
became possible during the Time War. The Doctor had complete
unimpeded access to the Matrix as President in The Invasion of
Time and would have known his entire past. There is no
Timeless Child and not regeneration before Hartnell, the first
and original Doctor.
 Memory wipe, amnesia, Time Lords telling lies, people using
nefarious actions to tamper with the Matrix... (etc.) It's
fiction, it can be written any way they want it to be written.
Not it can't. Do you actually have any clue how to write?
Coming up with totally ridiculous conspiracy theories in order to re-write a character's entire origin story and past is unacceptable in literature.
I remember a discussion here where John Peel's 8th Doctor novel War of the Daleks did not go down well because it retconned every story from Destiny of the Daleks onwards (and even Power of the Daleks) via a totally ridiculous conspiracy theory in order to make out Skaro was never destroyed by the Hand of Omega. I'm not going to go into exact details of the plot but reading it was one of the reasons why I joined this group, and the consternation of it was almost unanimous, everyone but John Peel himself. Most people did not regard it as being canon even among the novels.
The Timeless Child monster is over a million times worse.

Playing Devil's Advocate, if nobody came before William
Hartnell's Doctor, then what 'number' is Doctor Ruth (aka the
Fugitive Doctor) then? Doctor 13b? Doctor -1? Doctor 16? (etc.)
She isn't the Doctor, never was and never will be, and neither are Whittaker, Tennant MkII, and Gatwa. Nothing after The Fall of the Doctor is real.

We saw her on the TV in an episode of Doctor Who, complete with
a TARDIS, so therefore she has to exist somewhere in the
Doctor's timeline...
No she doesn't.

 Well, unless somebody steps out of a shower...
Exactly. We are still waiting.

May 11th 2024 will prove otherwise!
May 11th 2024 is the Eurovision final. There's no Doctor Who
on that day since Doctor Who ended in 2017. Carry On Doctor is
no substitute.
 You won't be reviewing any episodes of Doctor Who here later on
that evening so? That's good. We can have a peaceful evening.
I will be reviewing them after they come out on iPlayer. I'm not going to waste my time watching them before the Eurovision final which is long enough as it is.
The True Doctor
"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it stands for." -William Shatner

Date Sujet#  Auteur
19 Apr 24 * Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?6The Last Doctor
19 Apr 24 +- Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?1The True Doctor
19 Apr 24 `* Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?4The True Doctor
19 Apr 24  `* Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?3The True Doctor
19 Apr 24   `* Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?2The True Doctor
20 Apr 24    `- Re: Ncuti Gatwa doing a third season?1The True Doctor

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