Re: Today's re-post from the archives

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Sujet : Re: Today's re-post from the archives
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel70)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 22. Apr 2024, 16:12:29
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v05r8c$106hc$>
References : 1 2 3 4
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Idlehands wrote on 22/4/24 10:50 pm:
On 2024-04-22 5:29 a.m., Daniel70 wrote:
The Doctor wrote on 21/4/24 10:42 pm:
Care to look up the followups?
No, thanks, but YOU, asswipe, supposedly have 50 years of UseNet archives on YOUR server, asswipe, so why don't YOU, asswipe, look up the followups, asswipe??
 Since Usenet was invented in 1979 this would make it impossible to have 50 years of archives.
Didn't UseNet develop out of (What was it called) DARPANet or some such .... a Military network the had spread to some University-type Institutions??

1979 began with two people figuring out how to exchange messages and files between computers would mean the archives from then would be very small and boring.
 The asswipe is full of shit but that is common knowledge anyway.
It certainly is common knowledge!!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
21 Apr 24 * Today's re-post from the archives5Daniel70
22 Apr 24 `* Re: Today's re-post from the archives4Daniel70
22 Apr 24  `* Re: Today's re-post from the archives3Idlehands
22 Apr 24   `* Re: Today's re-post from the archives2Daniel70
23 Apr 24    `- Re: Today's re-post from the archives1Idlehands

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