Re: [Article] Ncuti Gatwa : Rolling Stone Interview

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Sujet : Re: [Article] Ncuti Gatwa : Rolling Stone Interview
De : mouth (at) *nospam* (Agent Jakanov)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 01. May 2024, 19:23:03
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Organisation : TWA
Message-ID : <v0ttpm$39jof$>
References : 1 2
User-Agent : Xnews/5.04.25
"Blueshirt" <> wrote in

Blueshirt wrote:

For those that don't like to click links...
+ + + SPOILERS + + +
+ + + SPOILERS + + +
The character "Maestro" is non-binary".

I'm seeing a trend here where non-binary and transgendered characters
are portrayed as villains.  Cassandra, Missy, 474, Rose Temple, and now

The first episode "Space Babies" features the control of
reproductive rights and the welfare of the resulting children.

Interesting.  So they send their unwanted children into space?  This
must be in the future when Russia is already overpopulated.

RTD wanted the Sonic Screwdriver changed because he was worried
it looked too much like a gun before.
Ncuti Gatwa quote about Doctor Who from the article:
"It evolves and it regenerates. I feel like it's about time, and
I am here. For all you damners out there, I’m not going

According to the Lore, the Sonic Screwdriver always matches the shape of
the Doctor's genitals.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
1 May 24 o Re: [Article] Ncuti Gatwa : Rolling Stone Interview1Agent Jakanov

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