From the Archives .....

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Sujet : From the Archives .....
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel70)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 04. May 2024, 12:11:24
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v151ke$15ed1$>
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Todays posting from the Archives comes from a thread called "Seasons 5 & 6: Comments" from back in July 1991 ....
At that point in the series, regeneration (it hadn't even been called that) was only done by the Doctor; it was something he built into the TARDIS (since at that point, the TARDIS was something he made).
End Quote
O.K. so for a long time it seemed that The Doctor could only regenerate whilst with-in The TARDIS, but, originally, was it actually suggested that Regeneration was *ONLY* possible because of what The Doctor had Built into HIS TARDIS Type 40??

Date Sujet#  Auteur
4 May 24 * From the Archives .....10Daniel70
4 May 24 +* Re: From the Archives .....2The Last Doctor
4 May 24 i`- Re: From the Archives .....1Daniel70
4 May 24 +* Re: From the Archives .....5Daniel70
5 May 24 i`* Re: From the Archives .....4Daniel70
5 May 24 i `* Re: From the Archives .....3Daniel70
5 May 24 i  `* Re: From the Archives .....2The Last Doctor
6 May 24 i   `- Re: From the Archives .....1Daniel70
4 May 24 `* Re: From the Archives .....2Blueshirt
5 May 24  `- Re: From the Archives .....1Daniel70

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