The Theory advances .......

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Sujet : The Theory advances .......
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel70)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 05. May 2024, 16:16:22
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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The on-going development of my All-Encompassing Theory of Doctor Who continues ....
For a long time, we have been aware of the ability of the character (lovingly) known as 'The Doctor' to change their apparence (i.e. to regenerate). We thought this ability was limited to thirteen appearances but, recently, we learnt that the number of appearances may be much greater (i.e. The Timeless Child).
We are aware that, at times, The Doctor and 'some other character' (e.g. The Watcher) can combine, mid-regeneration. Similarly, we have, recently, learnt that The Doctor can split into two characters (i.e. Bio-regenerate (??)).
We have learned that there are other Time Lord-y characters, who very rarely (if ever) leave Galiifrey and there are non-Time Lord-y characters on Gallifrey, as well.
We have learned that, along the way, several instances of The Doctor can have a combined adventure (e.g. The Two Doctors, The Three Doctors, The Five Doctors, etc.). And we have learned that, at times, The Doctor might have combined adventures with other Powerful Gallifreyean Time Lord Characters (i.e. Rassilon (Sp??)).
Could it possibly be that The Timeless Child character is continuing on through out Time but, every (pick a number, any number, let's say) 12 Regenerations, The Timeless Child character decides to change the Personal Pronoun that they currently use, so The Timeless Child might have been known, at some time, as Rassilon (Sp??) and, at some later time, The Doctor.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
5 May 24 o The Theory advances .......1Daniel70

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