Re: From the Archives .....

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Sujet : Re: From the Archives .....
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel70)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 06. May 2024, 11:58:56
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v1a9l3$2gbp7$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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The Last Doctor wrote on 6/5/24 1:44 am:
Daniel70 <> wrote:
The Doctor wrote on 5/5/24 9:37 pm:
In article <v17if2$1p10u$>, Daniel70
<> wrote:
The Doctor wrote on 5/5/24 8:02 am:
In article <v15h0d$18g41$>, Daniel70
<> wrote:
The Doctor wrote on 4/5/24 11:29 pm:
In article <v151ke$15ed1$>, Daniel70 <> wrote:
Todays posting from the Archives comes from a thread
called "Seasons 5 & 6: Comments" from back in July 1991
 Quote At that point in the series, regeneration (it
hadn't even been called that) was only done by the
Doctor; it was something he built into the TARDIS
(since at that point, the TARDIS was something he
made). End Quote
 O.K. so for a long time it seemed that The Doctor could
only regenerate whilst with-in The TARDIS, but,
originally, was it actually suggested that Regeneration
was *ONLY* possible because of what The Doctor had
Built into HIS TARDIS Type 40??
 Power of the Daleks.
What about it, a%e??
 It would hold the explanation red-beard!
 .... which is, a%e, ..............??
 How many regenerations are available.
 Did you not read MM's explanation?
 .... and where is Mike's explanation, IN THIS THREAD, asswipe??
 Right near the beginning. The one to which you replied “OK, ta,
Mike”. Why Dave is on about it I’ve no idea - particularly as he’s
now brought in “number of regenerations” which had NOTHING to do with
the quote and which I certainly didn’t comment on in this thread.
Ah!! Well there you go!!
As I'm posting about a different post "From the Archives .....", I'm not quoting any of the previous "From the Archives ....." posts as a prelude to this 'twig', so I didn't see any reference to my '“OK, ta, Mike”' post .... hence my confusion!! ;-(

Date Sujet#  Auteur
4 May 24 * From the Archives .....10Daniel70
4 May 24 +* Re: From the Archives .....2The Last Doctor
4 May 24 i`- Re: From the Archives .....1Daniel70
4 May 24 +* Re: From the Archives .....5Daniel70
5 May 24 i`* Re: From the Archives .....4Daniel70
5 May 24 i `* Re: From the Archives .....3Daniel70
5 May 24 i  `* Re: From the Archives .....2The Last Doctor
6 May 24 i   `- Re: From the Archives .....1Daniel70
4 May 24 `* Re: From the Archives .....2Blueshirt
5 May 24  `- Re: From the Archives .....1Daniel70

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