Re: Doctor Who: Space Babies - New Preview Clip (BBC)

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Sujet : Re: Doctor Who: Space Babies - New Preview Clip (BBC)
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel70)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 07. May 2024, 12:01:47
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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Blueshirt wrote on 6/5/24 5:23 pm:
Stephan Seitz wrote:

Then he sold everything to Disney, and now every asshole can
work on the Star Wars puzzle without worrying if his part is
fitting in the puzzle or even overlapping other parts.
Nope, Star Wars isn't worth any money anymore.
 It's not all great, "Solo" and a couple of mis-steps with the
main movies especially, but George Lucas made a few of those
long before he sold the franchise to Disney. For me in 2024,
it's great to have new SW material that is enjoyable. I love The
Mandalorian, Ashoka and Andor and my favourite [modern] SW comic
run was the "Darth Vader" [Marvel] series from a few years ago,
along with the "Star Wars" [Aaron/Cassaday] line that ran
alongside it for a while...  Top notch stuff.
Is it saying something about me or what??
Just about every time I read 'SW' in this thread I'm thinking "SoftWare?? What SoftWare were we discussing?? Oh!! Hang on ....!!" ;-P

Date Sujet#  Auteur
5 May 24 * Re: Doctor Who: Space Babies - New Preview Clip (BBC)4Daniel70
5 May 24 +* Re: Doctor Who: Space Babies - New Preview Clip (BBC)2Stephan Seitz
7 May 24 i`- Re: Doctor Who: Space Babies - New Preview Clip (BBC)1Daniel70
7 May 24 `- Re: Doctor Who: Space Babies - New Preview Clip (BBC)1solar penguin

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