Patrick Troughton was a bigamist

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Sujet : Patrick Troughton was a bigamist
De : mouth (at) *nospam* (Agent Jakanov)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 08. May 2024, 18:08:45
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Organisation : TWA
Message-ID : <v1g82d$237t$>
User-Agent : Xnews/5.04.25
But he never bragged about it in interviews.  Nor did Tom Baker joke about
how he was an alcoholic geezer when discussing Doctor Who.  Even Jodie
Whittaker didn't share her bathroom habits with us.

How times have changed.

It's not just the actor, Dr. Who is now officially queer.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
8 May 24 o Patrick Troughton was a bigamist1Agent Jakanov

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