Re: Reading the Archives ....

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Sujet : Re: Reading the Archives ....
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel70)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 09. May 2024, 11:18:10
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v1i4cj$iptu$>
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Blueshirt wrote on 9/5/24 1:26 am:
Daniel70 wrote:
SAY WHAT?? So are you suggestion I should have typed
 Only if you wanted to spell it correctly! ;-)
REALLY !! You're Joking, surely!! Well, I'll be buggered!!
 I thing buggered must mean something different down under too...
Well, I don't think so (but what would *I* know??)!
Sort of like "to get Fu%^ED" but different! ;-p

Date Sujet#  Auteur
7 May 24 * Reading the Archives ....8Daniel70
7 May 24 `* Re: Reading the Archives ....7solar penguin
8 May 24  `* Re: Reading the Archives ....6Daniel70
8 May 24   `* Re: Reading the Archives ....5solar penguin
8 May 24    `* Re: Reading the Archives ....4Daniel70
8 May 24     +- Re: Reading the Archives ....1The Last Doctor
9 May 24     `* Re: Reading the Archives ....2Daniel70
10 May 24      `- Re: Reading the Archives ....1Daniel70

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