Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Power of the Daleks

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Sujet : Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Power of the Daleks
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel70)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 09. May 2024, 12:14:58
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v1i7n3$jh75$>
References : 1 2 3
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The Doctor wrote on 9/5/24 12:42 am:
In article <v1g1ct$j09$>, Daniel70
<> wrote:
The Doctor wrote on 8/5/24 1:03 am:
 Here's an idea, a%e ..... submit the same episode/story line of 'Doctor Who' to both Chat-GPT and Google Gemini and see what the
outputs are like!! already does that.
So WHY, OH, WHY, do YOU, asswipe, keep posting YOUR drivel, asswipe??
If 'WE' wanted to read Chat-GPT/Gemini drivel, WE could read them on, ourselves, asswipe.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
8 May 24 * Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Power of the Daleks4Daniel70
9 May 24 `* Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Power of the Daleks3Daniel70
9 May 24  `* Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Power of the Daleks2The Last Doctor
10 May 24   `- Re: Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Power of the Daleks1Daniel70

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