Re: Today's re-post from the archives

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Sujet : Re: Today's re-post from the archives
De : pursent100 (at) *nospam* (%)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 10. May 2024, 16:38:13
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Daniel70 wrote:
Blueshirt wrote on 10/5/24 7:22 pm:
Daniel70 wrote:
Blueshirt wrote on 10/5/24 1:29 am:
Daniel70 wrote:
And, having mentioned the 10th Doctors twin/clone, and
being aware of the recent bio-regeneration, is the
Universe in danger of being overrun with 10th Doctor
It's funny you should mention the Tenth Doctor clone as
there's an interesting fan theory/rumour going around about
him in relation to Ruby's character... but, as you won't get
to see any of the new Doctor Who episodes you'll have to
wait until you reach that stage in your RADW archive to see
if it ends up being true or not... ;-)
Owwww! Spoil sport!! ;-P
Of course, if you're only doing 1991 now it could be 2037 before
you get around to it... I hope you are in good health?
New Doctor Who episodes are less than fourteen hours away. RADW
will be hopping tomorrow... or frothing at the mouth as the case
may well be. Are you not tempted to join in the "Season One" fun?
Tempted?? Yes, I am. I've just been on Youtube watching a couple of those Review/Prediction type clips (20-odd minutes) ..... and I've got a reason to go and visit my Sister/Brother-in-Law (those with Disney+) so, WHO knows, maybe Sunday (Mother's Day here in the antipodes!!). ;-P
i never said that

Date Sujet#  Auteur
9 May 24 * Today's re-post from the archives10Daniel70
9 May 24 +* Re: Today's re-post from the archives7Blueshirt
10 May 24 i`* Re: Today's re-post from the archives6Daniel70
10 May 24 i +* Re: Today's re-post from the archives4Daniel70
10 May 24 i i+- Re: Today's re-post from the archives1%
11 May 24 i i`* Re: Today's re-post from the archives2Daniel70
11 May 24 i i `- Re: Today's re-post from the archives1Daniel70
11 May 24 i `- Re: Today's re-post from the archives1Daniel70
10 May 24 +- Re: Today's re-post from the archives1%
11 May 24 `- Re: Today's re-post from the archives1Daniel70

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