Re: Today's re-post from the archives

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Sujet : Re: Today's re-post from the archives
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel70)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 11. May 2024, 16:54:25
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v1o0r2$23950$>
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Blueshirt wrote on 11/5/24 9:41 pm:
Daniel70 wrote:
Blueshirt wrote on 11/5/24 12:37 am:
Daniel70 wrote:
Blueshirt wrote on 10/5/24 7:22 pm:
New Doctor Who episodes are less than fourteen hours
away. RADW will be hopping tomorrow... or frothing at
the mouth as the case may well be. Are you not tempted
to join in the "Season One" fun?
Tempted?? Yes, I am. I've just been on Youtube watching a
couple of those Review/Prediction type clips (20-odd
minutes) ..... and I've got a reason to go and visit my
Sister/Brother-in-Law (those with Disney+) so, WHO knows,
maybe Sunday (Mother's Day here in the antipodes!!). ;-P
You must own a smartphone?
Pay-as-you-go smartphone.... and I figure watching a one
hour'ish program would well and truly blow my normal account
 <looks at calendar and notes it actually is 2024>
 Er... okay.
But that would mean ME getting off my Arse and doing something!!
Back in the day (almost 30 years ago), I had an Internet account with a small, local ISP. He originally had a shopfront but then moved everything into his Home (which I visited a couple of times) .... sort of like the asswipe .... but Ross knew what he was doing!!
Then got Mobile phone .... which I wasn't gunna use much so PAYG was way to go.
ISP closed his UseNet server, so got UseNet account elsewhere.
Still not using Mobile Phone much, so stayed PAYG.
Original ISP closed down totally, so went to another ISP, TPG, who originally supplied UseNet (but limited account [10GByte/month]) which was heaps for my (then miniscule) usage.... but then they closed their UseNet service to concentrate on phone + ISP service, so now with Eternal-September for UseNet service
Still not using Mobile Phone much, so stayed PAYG.
So now, if I'm going to be doing a lot of InterNet T.V. and/or Pay T.V., I might have to change ...... *MIGHT* ..... but not yet!! ;-P

Date Sujet#  Auteur
9 May 24 * Today's re-post from the archives10Daniel70
9 May 24 +* Re: Today's re-post from the archives7Blueshirt
10 May 24 i`* Re: Today's re-post from the archives6Daniel70
10 May 24 i +* Re: Today's re-post from the archives4Daniel70
10 May 24 i i+- Re: Today's re-post from the archives1%
11 May 24 i i`* Re: Today's re-post from the archives2Daniel70
11 May 24 i i `- Re: Today's re-post from the archives1Daniel70
11 May 24 i `- Re: Today's re-post from the archives1Daniel70
10 May 24 +- Re: Today's re-post from the archives1%
11 May 24 `- Re: Today's re-post from the archives1Daniel70

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