Re: Doctor Who: Space Babies - New Preview Clip (BBC)

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Sujet : Re: Doctor Who: Space Babies - New Preview Clip (BBC)
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel70)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 12. May 2024, 12:37:20
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v1q64t$2m4t8$>
References : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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Blueshirt wrote on 11/5/24 9:33 pm:
Daniel70 wrote:
The Doctor wrote on 11/5/24 12:12 am:
In article <>,
Blueshirt <> wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
Then you need to stop cutting and lying in the process.
Nobody cuts and lies Dave, if you can't follow a threaded
conversation it's nobody else's problem but yours!
Your parents educated you for a reason. They must feel a
bid sad that it all went to waste...
Context removed is a lie.
But, asswipe, THE CONTEXT we should be discussing is WHAT
happened TODAY, not what happened three weeks ago last Sunday!!
 The context is in the part that people reply to, not the two
hundred lines of text that come before that. Dave seems unable
to understand this principle of Usenet and he's been on it 30+
 Talk about being stupid.
Yeah!! Well, he's certainly been on something for 30+ years!!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 May 24 * Re: Doctor Who: Space Babies - New Preview Clip (BBC)2Daniel70
12 May 24 `- Re: Doctor Who: Space Babies - New Preview Clip (BBC)1Daniel70

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