Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review with spoilers

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Sujet : Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review with spoilers
De : daniel47 (at) *nospam* (Daniel70)
Groupes : rec.arts.drwho
Date : 13. May 2024, 12:55:21
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v1srim$3dsi7$>
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The Doctor wrote on 12/5/24 9:32 am:
In article <>,
Blueshirt <> wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
Doctor Who: Space Babies by RT Davies Review
In the latest Doctor Who adventure, we were
treated to a thrilling ride through
time and space with the Doctor and their new friend, Ruby
Tuesday.  The story kicked off with Ruby stepping into the
TARDIS and being amazed by its incredible size inside. It's
like a magic house!

Overall, this Christmas special was packed with excitement,
adventure, and heartwarming moments. It's a must-watch for
Doctor Who fans of all ages!
Where did you copy and paste that from Dave?
 I will let you guess.
How about .... "Doctor Who: Space Babies by RT Davies Review" .... so from somewhere that RTD posts stuff!! Any wonder it's seemingly soooo GOOD!!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
13 May 24 o Re: Doctor Who Space Babies review with spoilers1Daniel70

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